Team Coaching as a Product

In an effort to show my work, work with the garage door open, and document my experiences, I'm sharing my process and experiences as I set up my "Team Coaching as a Product" offering.

The idea had been rolling around in my mind for a bit when two different conversations led me to take action and refine some of my offerings.

In a brainstorming session, my Executive Coach mentioned looking at offering my services on Fiverr or UpWork.[1] In a conversation the following day, a mentor of mine suggested that I hone in on the question "What is the problem I am passionate about solving?" he said that it would help me become very clear on the difference I am seeking to make and clarify the benefit of hiring me to any potential client.

Exploring this question and the format that UpWork operates in has helped me re-frame the value I can bring to teams- even in a limited engagement opportunity.

Team Chartering Workshop - Background
Team Retrospective Workshop

  1. I believe these kinds of sites promote a race to the bottom, that they are set up on a losing approach. That said, like social media, there can be a time and place where they are useful. ↩︎